Roman Rolland once said, "It's the artist's job to create sunshine when there isn't any."
Welcome to my world.
I'm a student, a wolverine (grrr), an artist, a reader, a fiancee, a daughter and these are my thoughts...
Welcome to my world.
I'm a student, a wolverine (grrr), an artist, a reader, a fiancee, a daughter and these are my thoughts...
March 22, 2010
I Heart Words
I did the LA Times crossword today. And finished it. My most exciting moment today. Woot. Gotta take the small things when you feel like crap.
March 20, 2010
Oh, Life
Well, its been a rough couple of weeks trying to figure out what to do about school and whatnot but life just keeps moving along even if I'm not ready for it. I have a midterm on Monday and therefore, of course, I'm curled up on the couch, sick. Ugh. I feel so gross and nasty. I spent most of the day on North campus, studying and grossing out the people around me with my box of Kleenex. B took me home and made me a pizza and now we are watching the UM vs. NMU hockey game. True love right there:) I also decided tonight that I must pick knitting back up or risk losing my sanity. So, my goal right now is to work my way through all the nasty acrylic stuff in my stash so I can get new, yummy, natural yarn for summer knitting. B and I are going to plan our summer travels sometime this week and I need to make my summer reading list too. All this nice weather has me excited and ready for summertime. I also am in the process of finding a new job or internship for this summer. And of course, in the midst of all of this, I''m sick. Sigh. Well, bed early tonight and more time in the library tomorrow and hopefully I'll be ok by Monday...fingers crossed!!
March 7, 2010
Alphabet Soup
From DC to AA and not as happy about it as I thought I would be. I miss the city so much already and I can't imagine not going back at some point. I desperately want to live there and work somewhere in the vast archives of the country. This picture is of the Library of Congress; I was pretty sure that I had died and gone to heaven whilst I was in there. The history really got to me there and I would hop back on a plane tonight to go back if I could. How in the world am I going to concentrate in my education classes knowing that I no longer am trying to fool myself into being excited about teaching? My dad even asked me today if I was going to change around my classes now! Haha, unfortunately, I'm way too far to change majors again. Its just time to finish up my undergrad and then make very careful decisions regarding grad school. I can't wait!!!
March 4, 2010
More From the HIll
OMG. I am absolutely and completely smitten with D.C. I desperately want to move here and work in
A. The National Museum of American History
B. The Library of Congress or
C. The National Archives
(I would actually settle for ANY of the Smithsonian Museums).
I am absolutely in love with the history and artifacts found in this town. I cannot believe how happy and comfortable I am here. I've been researching grad schools and possible internships for this summer like a crazy person. I have been on an incredible journey of self-discovery this week and have realized that I need to stop thinking about what I think I "should" do in order to be a good person and instead to follow my passions. I'm passionate about history and books and museums and all of the incredible links to the past found in archives. I really want to get home and start pulling together some way of cataloging our family history on the dad's side. (We have an incredible book on the mom's side :) ) I actually started doing some research at the Holocaust museum and can't wait to start searching for other information and figuring out how to get it out of Grandpa and Grandma. They rarely talk about the family history in the Netherlands and I'm absolutely fascinated with the mystery. Ahh! I love it here so much!!!
A. The National Museum of American History
B. The Library of Congress or
C. The National Archives
(I would actually settle for ANY of the Smithsonian Museums).
I am absolutely in love with the history and artifacts found in this town. I cannot believe how happy and comfortable I am here. I've been researching grad schools and possible internships for this summer like a crazy person. I have been on an incredible journey of self-discovery this week and have realized that I need to stop thinking about what I think I "should" do in order to be a good person and instead to follow my passions. I'm passionate about history and books and museums and all of the incredible links to the past found in archives. I really want to get home and start pulling together some way of cataloging our family history on the dad's side. (We have an incredible book on the mom's side :) ) I actually started doing some research at the Holocaust museum and can't wait to start searching for other information and figuring out how to get it out of Grandpa and Grandma. They rarely talk about the family history in the Netherlands and I'm absolutely fascinated with the mystery. Ahh! I love it here so much!!!
March 1, 2010
On The Road Again...
It's spring break!! Well, actually "winter break" because UM has no idea what 'spring' is, apparently. However, I digress. I landed in Ronald Reagan Airport on Saturday and am absolutely loving Washington, D.C. I've already been to Arlington (watched the Changing of the Guards and cried), the National Museum of American History (saw the original Star Spangled Banner and cried), the Lincoln Memorial (read the quotes on the wall and cried) and the Korean Memorial (held it together for this one...no guarantees on Vietnam though). Its been incredibly moving and meaningful so far. You can't help but feeling an immense amount of pride in this country. However, this trip is seriously complicating my educational future. I know that if I could go back to the beginning of undergrad, I would do things completely differently. But now I'm facing the options of graduate school. I thought I had it all figured out but I've always been so fascinated by museums and archives and now being here is bringing that out again. Stayed tuned for more updates on the trip and my stress over my educational plans.
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